Thursday, August 11, 2011

ISDE Finland 2011 Day Four

Day four, I wake up to Marsh saying "Lets Go Ridin", as he looks out the window at the relentless rain. As I get up it starts to sink in, here we go, another wet, muddy, sloppy, rainy ass day here in Kotka, Finland. I get my stuff together and head down to get some "food". I am still tired and sore from the past 3 days, but just as motivated to bust out the 4th rainy ass day. Eating is way harder just from the stresses of the racing, so I have to force some nasty shit down. I get my helmet, and a couple pairs of dry gloves from the room, and hop in the car. On the way to the race venue, I am dreading the fact that I am going to have to ride 200+ miles in the weather outside of the warm and fuzzy Ford Focus. The car is silent and all you can here is pouring rain when my dad says, "Don't touch the bike Marshall, don't touch the dam bike." He breaks out in laughter. I say, "What the Hell are you talking about Marsh?" Apparently, that was what I said when I was sleep-talking the night before. It pretty much rained the first and last two hours of the day, not to bad. I was able to stay on my minute all day, even when I realized I was missing a master link clip, and replaced it right before the check with seconds to spare. At the end of the day, we had a test section on a ski slope, it had foot deep rivers running down the ruts as we were going uphill...Gnarly. I busted out some major work to the bike in the last 15 minutes, and I am ready for bed tonight. Beraaaapp!

"Main Jet"


Jan Gerston said...

You are an inspiration, Max. You epitomize the (okay, trite) saying: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. There's no escaping ISDE, even in your dreams! Your fans LOVE these updates. Thank you for taking the time to write. The videos and still shots show just how gnarly that ski slope after the rains and other tire ruts! Go Max! Go Max! Go Max!

Mike Woelfel said...

Keep on riding Max

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